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Janine Coney

5 easy ways to Zoom Style Confidence... - #1

With so many of us still working from home right now, here's the first of 5 easy ways to set up your zoom call to feel and look confident, business ready and project your brand image on screen....

#1 - What colour to wear ....

It's what you wear on top that counts on zoom calls but what can you choose to look your best and project the right brand image? Neat hair and freshly applied makeup go a long way to ensure you are looking camera ready but its important to note that the colour you wear near your face will either highlight your features and make you look fabulous or it can do the exact opposite and drain your face making you look tired or ill - not quite so flattering!

There is a palette of colours for everyone but on camera lovely jewel toned colours look good on nearly all skin tones and generally look great on video too as they don't appear to bright or muted against backdrops - try wearing and Emerald Green, Ruby Red or a lovely Sapphire Blue top.

Navy blue really is a better colour to wear than black as black can be draining to most skintones and (sorry ladies) will reflect dark shadows up onto our faces and show up the dark circles under our eyes more too - eeeekkk. So good makeup would then become a priority!

In a hurry ? Grab your jacket or blazer and then add a colourful scarf - this really is quick fire way to level up your colourful style for zoom instantly! Consider how your outfit matches your background too and does it reflect your personal brand. How do you want to be seen for that important business meeting or that first client video call? I am absolutely all for dressing casual, being comfortable and authentically you but when it really counts (and you know what I mean here) make sure your outfit is suitable for the style of business meeting or group you are attending - even if you are just sat at your kitchen table at home! If you feel good in what you are wearing you will feel more confident and come across confidently too.

Going on camera to speak or present can cause anxiety for many, so mindfully choosing to wear a colour such as blue on top can help to calm nerves. Blue emotionally stimulates the release of Oxytocin from the brain which in turn has a calming effect on the body - it also has a calming effect on those who are with or watching you too - bonus! Green is a great colour to wear for those meetings when you need to see things from a different perspective or maybe you want others to too as well! Red is shown to be mentally stimulating and shows the audience you are enthusiastic, motivated and dynamic! Yellow is the colour to wear to evoke feelngs of postivity and joy. If you are feeling low and need to lift your mood before your meeting try wearing yellow it will also help you and others around you to feel more creative and positive too.

So I hope these tips on wearing colour will help you feel more confident on zoom - back next time for # 2 when I will be giving easy tips to be make up ready on Zoom.

Find your own palette of colours to wear for confidence and reflect your personal image and brand - contact me for availability.

#2 coming next


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