Are you a planner or a dreamer! I used to be a dreamer, I’d make new years resolutions but by mid January they’d gone out the window and that’s because they were usually made on whim with a glass of festive cheer in my hand and no real plan or goal !
As a style and confidence coach I now help clients get clear on who they are and how to become the best version of themselves inside and out . It’s also about gaining confidence and understanding in yourself, who you are and what you want regardless of your age! Theres no better time than a brand new year to reset our goals
To gain confidence snd set goals start by asking yourself :
What’s your struggle ?
Where do you want to be ?
How will you get there ?
For example - if your struggle is you want to exercise more to feel good.... then you decide you want to run a 5k by March... So how will you get there? You find a couch to 5k training plan and make a plan follow it in your time frame to meet your goal ..
Then ask how will you feel if you do this, how will you reward yourself?
Alternatively , how will you feel if you don’t ?
Which feeling do you prefer ?
Now what’s stopping you ?? Usually this is the game changer question with many people realising the only thing stopping themselves is themselves or fear of change!
Believe in yourself! Set the goal, make a plan and do it - you are worth it!
Make yourself a priority this year, invest in yourself, don’t compare yourself to others, don’t self sabotage- set goals, make a plan, find someone to keep you accountable and go for it ...
I’ll be bringing you style confidnece tips all year ... plus sign up for my weekly Style Boost weekly via my homepage here to receive a weekly boost of style confidence. directly to your inbox.
Style Coach