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NEW Podcast series - OUT NOW

Janine Coney

What does style mean to you – is it just what you wear or how you feel too?

True style and dressing with confidence is way more than wearing the latest fashion trend, I’ve definitely learnt that over the years.

I believe that every women is unique and every women deserves to feel confident on the inside as well as the outside too! Especially after the year we’ve had in 2020. The two are so closely linked and when they connect this is true style confidence!

As a Style Coach™ my goal is to help women connect and be happy with their true self, enabling their unique individuality to confidently shine through - so ultimately they look great and feel great 🙌🏻

So, after much procrastination (by me) and lots of persuasion (from friends) I have now launched my NEW podcast series - Own Your Style Confidence with Janine which is available via both Spotify and Google

I mean how exciting is that - eeeek. I don’t think Chris Evans will be calling me just yet as a guest but hey it’s my own podcast and I’m so excite.!

The focus of my podcasts is on championing and increasing Style Confidence whatever your age! Style and Confidence go hand in hand together and my podcasts will include episodes on style and confidence and most of the time a mixture of the two… with guest speakers and solo episodes I am so excited to launch this right now ladies …

The first episode is all about making your wardrobe work for you …. And really thinking about your style and your lifestyle…

I’d love it if you head on over, have a listen when you can, and give the page a follow so you will be alerted to new podcasts as they go live with my guests.


Janine Coney CIM Qualified Professional
Janine Coney CIPD Qualifiedpng
Janine Coney Accrediged International Style Coach


Photography by Becky Kerr & Venetia Norrington




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