Challenge # 2

Underwear is the basic foundation for a great outfit, so for challenge number two over in My Boost Your Style Lounge Facebook community it’s time to clear the clutter and sort out the underwear drawers (for me here it’s way overdue).
Time to part with pieces that don’t fit anymore, We don’t wear or are out of shape, old or uncomfortable!!!
Here’s 10 top underwear organising tips to help:
If it doesn’t fit and it’s uncomfortable- let it go!
If it’s lost shape, elastics gone, it has holes in or the bra doesn’t do what it should do - let it go !
Fold bras into the cups for non padded if you need room.
Lay padded bras flat inside each other.
Lay pants (knickers) flat with the front side down, fold the sides in and the bottom to meet the top. Stack neatly in one section of your drawers. This will reduce the amount of space they take up and will make finding those lingerie sets much easier .
Where do all the lost socks go ! Part with the ones you can never match up and send them for recycling - life it too short to search for odd socks! Store neatly together and use an organiser in the drawer if needed. You may prefer to store by colour.
Store tights in a hosiery bag or even ziplock bags to keep them from snagging
Receipts are for the office or the bin - not our underwear drawers, I know I've seen it all (lol) - clear the clutter!
Make a list of what you need ! This is probably the most important part for going forward - do you need pants for wearing under certain garments! Bras for certain dresses ??
Check out charities accepting unwanted bras - look out for bra banks- textiles can be recycled! HM take bras and odd socks (when they are open) in the recycle project - look out for initiatives in your area - please don’t send unwanted items to landfill !
Bonus underwear tip - Flesh coloured underwear is always good when wearing white or lighter colours - super versatile too.
Have fun but get it done and you’ll feel fabulous and then come February or post lockdown you’ll know what you need to buy to make your drawers work (see what I did there - lol!)
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